Terry’s Story
Terry’s stroke occurred January 2, 2016 and, at the time, did not know it was a stroke. The following are in Terry’s words;
“I was first in Concordia, then Riverview, Selkirk and I now reside in Action Marguerite.
I have left neglect and at first walked into doorways on the left side because I couldn’t see them
I do not have the use of my left hand and have only partial use of my left leg, I require a cane to walk.
I lost my job as a legal assistant, a profession that I worked in for forty years. I used to type over a hundred words a minutes. I used to play piano, walk a lot, travel, I had an active social life and large circle of friends and family.
Because of the stroke I had to sell my house and my car, give up my driver’s licence and control of my finances.”
What challenge(s) did you face?
“I can’t live on my own, I’ve lost my independence, my freedom and privacy. At Selkirk Transitional Residence, where you go to get independent, I had to wash floors, make supper, vacuum, do my own laundry and this was all difficult. Tie your left hand behind your back and see if you can do this.
Additional challenges I faced included therapy with a sable flex for my hand, I couldn’t count, couldn’t tell time, couldn’t add.
…..and the loss of friends, no one knew where to find me (they don’t put it on the news that you have had a stroke).
But I never gave up.”
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What programs do you access at the Stroke Recovery Association?
“I come to Games Day and play Sequence, contribute to the treats with coffee and baking, will be volunteering representing the organization at Health Fairs and assisting in the office administration. I also attend events such as the Sidewalk Sale and Valentine Tea.”
How has your life changed for the better as a result of participating in a program?
“I get to go home by taxi – this gives me independence.
I did not lose my wits, you meet good friends here and that’s lots.
I enjoy playing the games, Sequence is fun it is a brain teaser. I enjoy the events – the Sidewalk Sale was fun…….That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.”